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Cancellation Policy 


 The British School, New Delhi (TBS) 

Cancellation Policy

(For FOBISIA – Senior Drama Festival, Actions Speak.., 2024) 

In the event of a participating school decides on cancellation, TBS will first attempt to fill the reserved slot from the waiting list. If this is not feasible, please note that cancellation fees will be applicable as outlined below.

Number of days prior to the date of the event that cancellation takes place (days). Deposit percentage that will be refunded


15-29 days. -  25% 

14 days or less - 0%


Any deposits made by TBS that cannot be recovered will be deducted from the total charges. This includes, but is not limited to, transportation expenses, facilitator fees, meals, and Accommodation - Cancelation policy as shared by hotel is applicable. 

Student Cancellation: If a student is unable to attend due to illness, including COVID-19, prior to the Action Speak festival, the visiting school may fill the vacant position with another student. If the spot remains unfilled by the visiting school, TBS will be unable to adjust costs, and the school will remain responsible for payment for that student. 

Festival Cancellation: TheAction Speak festival will only be cancelled due to circumstances qualifying as Act of God or ‘Force Majeure’, which may include, but are not limited to, border closures, major storms, political unrest, etc. In such cases, TBS will fully reimburse visiting schools for any costs that have not already been paid and are non-refundable from the external agencies involved. 

Travel Insurance: It is advisable for all visiting schools to obtain a travel insurance policy for this trip. 

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